Latter-day Saints believe families are ordained of God. We believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We are encouraged to get married, have children, and to rear our children in love and righteousness.
Latter-day Saints believe in abstinence before marriage and complete fidelity during marriage. During marriage, spouses are equal partners and should always treat each other with care, love, and respect. Both husbands and wives have responsibilities in the family and are obligated to help one another raise a family. As families, we should teach our children the commandments, teach them to be good citizens, and work, play, worship, and laugh together. Families are the fundamental unit of society, and should be protected by government leaders, employers, educators, and society at large.
Families enjoy a unique role in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormons believe that families are not only important to our development here on earth, but that God has prepared a way for families to live together forever throughout all eternity.
This doctrine of "eternal families" teaches us that if we keep the commandments of God and receive special ordinances in the holy temple, we can live together in heaven as families. The sacred ordinance binding families for eternity is called the "sealing" ordinance. Any member of the Church in good standing (is worthy) may go to the temple to receive this gospel ordinance.
I am grateful for my own little family and the love and strength they give to me. Unspeakable joy and happiness come through raising a family and facing life's difficulties together. I believe that we will be together forever because of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To read the full statement of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' doctrine on families, click here. To learn more about how families can be together forever, click here.
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