Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

Latter-day Saints ("Mormons") observe the Christmas holiday in celebration of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Latter-day Saints believe the scriptural account given of His birth as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. The Savior's birth was a miraculous event to begin the Savior's mortal life and ministry on the Earth.

I am profoundly grateful for the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph in raising God's Son. Likewise, the story of Jesus' birth shows Heavenly Father's mercy and love extended to Elisabeth, Zacharias, Anna, Simeon, the shepards, the wise men, and many others. These individuals had their faith and righteousness rewarded by witnessing the ministering of angels and the King of Kings in His infant form.

The Christmas season is the time to give gifts, heal wounds, forgive others, reach out to those in need, and to be charitable in our words, thoughts, and actions. Indeed, it is the time when we can recommit ourselves to being more like Jesus.

Latter-day Saints believe Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. We believe Him to be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. As such, we believe each of us should strive to follow His teachings in loving God and loving our fellowmen. There is no better time than Christmas to try a little harder to be true disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Marlo said...


Your site is great. The very picture of clarity. Keep it up. And congrats on the newborn!
