Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Word of Wisdom

Most people know that Latter-day Saints abstain from alcohol and tobacco. But many may wonder where this "health code" comes from and what else it may contain.

The Prophet Joseph Smith received a revelation in 1833 that instructed the Saints regarding food and drink. This revelation is called "The Word of Wisdom."

Although the Word of Wisdom is best known for its prohibition against alcohol, tobacco, narcotic drugs, tea, and coffee, most of the revelation instructs the Saints what they SHOULD eat. These instructions include "wholesome herbs", "every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof", "flesh . . . of beasts and of the fowls . . . to be used sparingly", "all grain", and "the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground". In modern language: herbs, grains, fruits, vegetables, and meat (to be used sparingly).

The Word of Wisdom includes great promises, both physical and spiritual, to the individuals who adhere to its teachings. These promises can readily be seen in the lives of practicing Latter-day Saints. An individual's health and body can be directly linked to their spiritual welfare. A healthy lifestyle increases one's well-being and helps us achieve all that our Heavenly Father wants us to.

It is remarkable that this Joseph Smith received this revelation in 1833, long before the detriments of tobacco and alcohol were understood.

To learn more about the Word of Wisdom and the importance of physical health in general, click here.

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